Agency Responses

Monitored agencies are required to formally respond to our reports. They have 20 working days to respond to our Experiences of Care in Aotearoa
New ZealandView the full glossary
and Outcomes for tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
Māori reports, and 35 working days to respond to our focused reviews. Once we receive these formal responses we have 10 working days to publish our report, alongside the responses we receive.

These responses often include commitments from agencies to do things that will address issues raised in our reports. We keep track of these commitments, what progress has been made, and whether it has made a difference. You can read the list of commitments dating back to our first full report in 2020/21 here.

Oranga Tamariki (PDF 645KB)

Open Home Foundation (PDF 143KB)

Barnardos (PDF 617KB)

Barnardos (PDF 276KB)

Dingwall Trust (PDF 147KB)

Open Home Foundation (PDF 165KB)

Oranga Tamariki (PDF 851KB)

Barnardos (PDF 293KB)

Dingwall Trust (PDF 419KB)

Open Home Foundation (PDF 178KB)

Oranga Tamariki (PDF 332KB)

Barnardos (PDF 285KB)

Dingwall Trust (PDF 40KB)

Open Home Foundation (PDF 39.5KB)

Oranga Tamariki (PDF 242KB)

Barnardos (PDF 594 KB)

Dingwall Trust (PDF 39.5KB)

Open Home Foundation (PDF 182KB)

Oranga Tamariki (PDF 275KB)