Contact us | Whakapā mai

We encourage you to get in touch with us if you would like to know more about what we do or raise a concern about our work. We'd also like to hear any feedback you have about anything else. 

If your message requires a response, we will be in touch within six working days. 

Please include your contact number if you prefer to receive a response via phone.


If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please contact Oranga Tamariki on freephone 0508 326 459 (available 24/7) or email

Find out more

Aroturuki Tamariki
Independent Children’s Monitor

PO Box 202
Wellington 6140

Phone: 0800 777 232

Text: 3701

Media enquiries email:

Get support

Find out about support available to tamariki and rangatahi, whānau and caregivers, and how to make a complaint on our Getting help page.