For the period covered by this report, Barnardos had fewer than six rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary in its custody and care. Some of these rangatahi transitioned to independence during the reporting period. All Barnardos rangatahi have been in long-term, stable placements.
As in previous years, Barnardos has provided us with examples of its compliance with the NCS Regulations
(National Care Standards and Related Matters) Regulations 2018 View the full glossary in a summary report and considers itself fully compliant with the NCS Regulations. Given the age of the rangatahi, and that they see themselves as ordinary young people as opposed to being in care, we made the decision not to meet with them.
Barnardos has provided evidence of needs assessments and plans being carried out for rangatahi in its custody and care, with their involvement.
Barnardos has evidence of meeting the educational needs of the rangatahi in its custody and care. Rangatahi have been supported to study towards NCEA and tertiary level qualifications, and had completed work towards these in 2023/24.
Barnardos and Oranga Tamariki jointly funded a therapeutic, home-based educational programme for one of the rangatahi to meet their individual needs. Barnardos has also taken steps to meet the health and disability-related needs of rangatahi. Caregiver support plans are in place, identifying specific needs and actions required to support caregivers to meet the needs of rangatahi in their care. Caregivers are approved by Barnardos and undergo safety checks every two years or as required.
Barnardos gave several examples of including rangatahi voice in decision-making. These examples were related to whānau
Whānau refers to people who are biologically linked or share whakapapa. For the Monitor’s monitoring purposes, whānau includes parents, whānau members living with tamariki at the point they have come into care View the full glossary connection, care placement and transitioning to adulthood.
Barnardos supported rangatahi to transition to independence during the reporting period, with support differing based on the needs of individual rangatahi. Rangatahi were actively engaged with this process, with needs assessments and appropriate service referrals being made to meet their needs after leaving formal care.
During the reporting period, Barnardos also made several practice improvements relating to custody and care. These include quality assurance processes, workforce capability, an update to the Barnardos Children’s Charter, a Section 7AA action plan, self-audit tools and improved funding data.