Appendix A

Agency Required to have a child protection policy Has a child protection policy Is publicly available Policy last reviewed Policy next reviewed

Oranga Tamariki

Yes Yes Yes November 2020 Not advised
Department of Corrections No Yes Yes June 2021 Currently under review
Ministry of Social Development Yes Yes Yes May 2023 May 2026
Ministry of Education Yes Yes Yes November 2019 Currently under review
Education Review Office No No N/A N/A N/A
New Zealand Police30 Yes Yes Yes June 2019 Currently under review (due for update by mid-year)
Ministry of Health / Te Whatu Ora Yes Yes Yes February 2017 (MOH)31 An overarching national child rotection olicy for all health agencies is in develoment
Ministry of Justice Yes Yes Yes August 2015 Not advised

30 In addition to the overarching child protection policy required under the Children’s Act, Police advised it has a range of other child protection policies in place to support compliance and best practice.
31 District Health Boards were previously required to have a child protection policy. With the restructure to form Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora, a decision was made to create a national policy for all health agencies. The date of last review refers to when the Ministry of Health last reviewed its child protection policy.