Third Monitoring Report

Agency compliance with Regulations 69, 85 and 86 of the Oranga Tamariki (National Care Standards and Related Matters Regulations)

Third monitoring report


All agencies were compliant with regulations 69, 85 and 86 

In response to regulation 69, Barnardos New Zealand and Dingwall Trust reported no cases of abuse or neglect and therefore testing of their compliance was not required.

Open Home Foundation reported 12 allegations of abuse or neglect and, based on information provided, was compliant with regulation 69.

Oranga Tamariki reported 1,831 allegations of abuse or neglect and, based on information provided, was partially compliant with regulation 69. Oranga Tamariki has shown a higher level of compliance when initially responding to an allegation of abuse or neglect and ensuring that a child’s plan is reviewed. However, there is a need to improve in the following areas:

  • Informing the child of the outcome of an investigation (28 percent compliance).
  • Informing the parent/guardian of the outcome of an investigation (32 percent compliance).
  • Completing investigations or assessments on time (41 percent compliance).

Across the 12 internal practice requirements Oranga Tamariki has for regulation 69, only one percent of all cases recorded that all 12 practice requirements were met. In 39 percent of cases, fewer than six requirements were met.

Oranga Tamariki has made improvements to its assurance processes and reported a greater focus on compliance with regulation 69. One improvement was to start checking a sample of “no further action” decisions made at the Contact Centre or at sites. A sample of 69 reports of concern showed that of the 14 classified as relating to incidents alleging possible abuse or neglect for children in care, nine decisions were inaccurate. Due to the high number of cases where inaccuracy was apparent, the Monitor will continue to seek data and information on improvements Oranga Tamariki is undertaking to improve-decision making.

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Agency responses